Saturday, August 7, 2010

Radicant Roots

As I finish my final project in ceramics, The Radicant is rolling through my mind. I know my piece fills the assignment, and I know that I would have created this type of art without reading the article first for class. What does this mean? I think that I am a current contemporary artist that deals with issues in her art...period. Some of the current questions deal with nomadic persona, roots; staying in one place, yet having a global knowledge of what ties all of us together. Questions were raised in our class discussion regarding our understanding of Bourriaud's labeling of a current art movement called Altermodern that really seemed focused on the validity of the movement. In our discussions, we rarely discuss the point of view of the viewer....just the creator. Is it just me or is this true. An audiences view of this movement is just as important. What I am saying is that art more than ever educates. Do we acknowedge this? Art makes the viewer ponder ideas. Does the viewer want to keep "getting" the innuendos, metephors and acusations? Will this trend run out of steam beacuse of the viewers exhaustion with current issues. MAybe that is one of the reason why we (viewers) are getting more attracted to beauty...the same reason the 1970's bore minimalism?

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