Sunday, July 11, 2010

The first we go...

Our first project has to involve multiple objects made of clay outside of the gallery setting.

Which way do I go? Do I start with what I am passionate about, what I can make well, what concepts are strongest...? All I know is that this mini beach filled withbroken pieces of brick was calling my name. Maybe it is an art piece unto itself, but I would like to acknowledge that and emphasize that in a way that honors it. Not an easy task. I have to admit I watched some Andy Goldsworthy videos on Youtube to get inspired (cop out!) but I needed something. This is a new way of thinking for me. I started thinking about what the bricks represented and how the Hudson river was in a way reclaiming their existence. It has a sligt apocaliptic feel about it. How to I emphasise this energy? I am thinking of adding an element that is completely civilized that has a touch of "human" in it - like the brick has. I am thinking porcelain teacups imprinted with fancy lace. Teacups have multiple meanings; civilization, Brittish colonization, and since this is on the coast line BP oil possibly. I thought of displaying them high like on skyscrapers made of this decrepit water worn brick. When the tide comes in, it may knock them down or create an island motif. I would videotape the tide coming in if it is during the day. I was thinking of 15 different skyscrapers (or island shapes) that each follow the coastline. My back-up idea is making 12" driftwood pieces (with the same lace imprinting on them) and scattering them across the bricks and see who takes them home in a few months. Tomorrow is the first idea crit. Lets see what they think.

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